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Carrie's Profile


 18歳のとき、オールジャパンダンスフェスティバル にて特別賞(全国8位以内)を受賞。中国政府より招待され日中ダンス交流をした。







 また、ダンスとフィットネスの20年間の経験を活かし"Carrie’s Studio"を東京渋谷にて主宰。


 現在は、Nanaimo CANADA にて活動の幅を拡げ、スカイプレッスン現地スタジオでも指導をしている。





 I started early. My parents put me in a class for learning how to move my body to music when I was two years old.

From the ages of 10 to 14, I was entering into national competitions in my home country of Japan. I received eighth place twice and second place once in all Japan dance festivals during my teens. I also had an interest in Japanese archery and hiking.


In my college years I studied Health Science and Creative Dance and was admitted without entrance examination because of my earlier achievements mentioned above.


After graduation, I was hired by Konami Corporation which is the biggest sports club in Japan.

I taught dance fitness, Jazzercise,  Body Jam, kids gymnastics and esthetic massage. I eventually moved to head office in Tokyo for helping Jazzercise Japan with promotions and instruction. This was when I started to explore a range of other physical activities such as snowboarding, scuba diving, surfing,  and wakeboarding.

I eventually left the company so I could work independently.  At this time I was teaching dance fitness, boxercise, stretching, kids dance,  exercise for seniors as a freelance instructor in Tokyo. I was also hired to perform at social events and in exercise DVDs. This is when I founded  “Carrie's Studio” in Shibuya, Tokyo.


I have done dance and fitness for 20 years and have taught for 10 years.

I have helped many people who want to become beautiful in mind and body.

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